Category: Polo

  • What Is a Polo Pitch Called? The Average Size of Polo Pitch

    What Is a Polo Pitch Called? The Average Size of Polo Pitch

    There is a lot of terminologies related to polo, so I want to start with the basics. And, you can’t get much more basic than asking what is a polo pitch called? Thankfully, it actually does go by the name pitch, or, in some cases (when the sport is played indoors) it will be called…

  • What Is a Polo Goal Called? Polo Goal Rules!

    What Is a Polo Goal Called? Polo Goal Rules!

    To many, the rules of polo can be quite mysterious. This is because there are a few terms that are thrown around that can be somewhat unfamiliar, or at least may not mean what a player thinks it means. One major question is, ‘what is a polo goal called’? In US polo, it called a…

  • Are Polo Ponies Male or Female? Which Gender Is Better On The Field?

    Are Polo Ponies Male or Female? Which Gender Is Better On The Field?

    When it comes to horse polo players, they need a reliable horse by their side. Many people even believe that the horse is more essential than the player. So when it comes to the right horse for the game, do people prefer male or female polo ponies? It turns out there is a preference, and…

  • Do Horses Enjoy Polo? Can You Tell If a horse Doesn’t Enjoy Polo

    Do Horses Enjoy Polo? Can You Tell If a horse Doesn’t Enjoy Polo

    When playing polo, horses are going to be pushed to their absolute limits. It is a mentally and physically demanding sport. Due to the amount of pressure that these horses are often put under, many people wonder whether horses enjoy polo. So, do horses enjoy polo? The answer is ‘probably.’ While we can never know…

  • How Much Does A Polo Horse Cost? (Buy, Rent & Train Polo Horses)

    How Much Does A Polo Horse Cost? (Buy, Rent & Train Polo Horses)

    Many people believe that playing polo is only for those with huge sums of cash. You need a lot of equipment to play, plus a rather large animal that can set you back a rather hefty sum of cash. So, how much does a polo horse course? Well, it depends on the horse that you…

  • What Horses Are Used for Polo? A Complete Guide

    What Horses Are Used for Polo? A Complete Guide

    Polo horses are required to have good stamina, to reach high speeds, and achieve bursts of energy even after the previous exercise. The breed of horses can depend from country to country; however, in the USA, thoroughbreds are widely popular. In fact, most horses used for polo are now preferred if they have thoroughbred throughout…

  • What Is A Chukka In Polo?

    What Is A Chukka In Polo?

    I know the game of polo can seem complicated. There are a lot of rules coupled with lots of confusing terminology. I’ll try to make it clearer for you, starting with the term chukka (or chukker in the US). What exactly is a chukka? A chukka is a period of play during a polo match,…

  • Can Polo Be Played in the Rain? The Truth Revealed

    Can Polo Be Played in the Rain? The Truth Revealed

    Polo is a very popular, albeit expensive, sport that is usually played outside on a large field about the size of 9 or 10 football fields. Since it is played outdoors, you may be wondering, can polo be played in the rain? As a general rule, polo cannot be played on a wet field and…

  • How Much Does It Cost to Play Polo? A Comprehensive Guide

    How Much Does It Cost to Play Polo? A Comprehensive Guide

    The sport of polo has long been called a rich man’s sport, but many people in recent years have attempted to make the sport a little less expensive so that even kids can play. But have those people succeeded? By most accounts, it really depends on whether you’re a rider or a sponsor, but one…

  • How fast do polo ponies run? Which Horses To Considered For Polo!

    How fast do polo ponies run? Which Horses To Considered For Polo!

    Polo ponies, most of which are actually full-grown horses, have to be fast above all else if they are to be good at playing a game of polo. But just how fast do they need to be? In an average polo game, polo ponies can reach speeds of up to 30 miles per hour, which…

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