Lacrosse is a popular active team sport played on grass using a lacrosse stick and ball as well as protective gear. At first, it may seem complicated or even daunting. But do not worry because, in this article, I will cover one of the most interesting and common questions of why do lacrosse players throw their sticks.
Lacrosse sticks are thrown on purpose by the players involved in a goal after it has already been scored. This is in order for the referees to be able to check that the stick meets the Fairplay regulations. A stick check occurs when based on the referee’s judgment or the opposing coach, requests one.
I hope that I managed to clearly answer your question about the intriguing game that is lacrosse. Below, we will cover this topic in much more detail and also delve into related lacrosse subject matters. You are more than welcome to have a read underneath.
Why Do Lacrosse Players Throw Their Sticks?
In an actual lacrosse game, you are not allowed to throw your stick. If you do so, this will result in a foul. Furthermore, if you threw your stick in a set-play that ended up in a goal being scored, then the goal will be disallowed.
In men’s lacrosse, you can score by kicking the ball as well as using the lacrosse stick, while in women’s lacrosse, using the stick is your only option. Therefore stick manipulation is a serious issue.
A referee will check your lacrosse stick for manipulations in the pocket, shooting strings, and the stick itself. Deformations of the net pocket and stick can make it easier to catch the ball as well as keep the ball away from the opposing team with ease.
In addition, the referee will check for extra strings; they are a form of resistance allowing you to shoot and pass in a straight line. Extra strings in the stick’s net is an unfair advantage.
It is also important to note that if you are asked to throw a stick on the ground in order for it to be checked, you have to do so immediately in order to minimize the risk of tampering. If you do not do so, you are also at risk of being disciplined by the ref.

Can a Lacrosse Goalie Stick Be Illegal?
A lacrosse goalie stick can be illegal. The regulation around goalie lacrosse sticks is connected to the length of the stick as well as the length of the stick’s head.
To be more concise, a goalie’s lacrosse stick head has to measure between 40 and 72 inches while the head is limited to 15 inches.
A major difference is that there is no regulation around the size of the goalie stick’s net pocket. This is due to two reasons, allowing goalies to more easily catch incoming balls.
As well as the fact that there is a natural limit to how deep a net pocket can be made before you will be unable to make a pass.
Do You Have to Drop Your Stick After You Score in Girls Lacrosse?
According to the official women’s lacrosse, players are obliged to drop their lacrosse sticks after they scored a goal. This is much more strict than men’s lacrosse, where the players have to drop their stick when asked to by the referee.
On the other hand, in women’s lacrosse, it is necessary to do so after every single goal is scored.
How Do You Know If a Lacrosse Stick Is Legal?
An experienced lacrosse player will be able to immediately see if a lacrosse stick is illegal by simply looking at it. Attacking and midfield sticks should be a minimum of 40 inches in length and can be as long as 42 inches.
Goalkeeping lacrosse sticks also start at 40 inches but can extend to as much as 72 inches. While the lacrosse sticks used by defenders start off much longer at 52 inches and have a maximum length of 72 inches.
To add to this, the lacrosse has to be the right measurements, ranging from 6.5 inches at the very top to 3 inches near the base. In addition, the net and strings that make up the stick’s head are also very important to keep an eye on.
Your ball should not fall below the sidewall of your lacrosse stick’s head. You should also not have extra shooting strings or have any dangling strings off your net.
Moreover, the bottom of the lacrosse stick has to have its rubber or plastic cover rather than being exposed. This is in order to ensure the safety of other players, the referee, and the spectators.
How Do You Fix an Illegal Lacrosse Pocket?
As long as an illegal lacrosse pocket is not damaged you can adjust it pretty easily. First, you have to identify the cause of the issue and the area in the net causing the pocket to be too deep. From then on, you simply have to play around by tightening or loosening up the different strings making up your net until the problem is fixed.
Generally, the sides and bottom of your net are where the issues will arise from.