Author: Ahmed

  • Why Does My Hockey Stick Rattle? (Find out Why!)

    Why Does My Hockey Stick Rattle? (Find out Why!)

    I’ve been playing with my carbon fiber hockey stick, and it’s super annoying when I swing it to handle the puck, but there’s that rattling sound. The sound was caused by bits and pieces of carbon fiber that shook loose on the inside, thanks to my many games of rough-handling that stick. I found a…

  • How To Ship a Hockey Stick? (3 Ways Explained)

    How To Ship a Hockey Stick? (3 Ways Explained)

    I had to ship my former housemate’s hockey stick to him since he forgot it when he moved to a different state. I just told him to buy a used one or even a brand new one, but no, he insisted on getting his stick back. What could I do? You guessed it. I ended…

  • What’s cradling in lacrosse? Important Cradling Drills

    What’s cradling in lacrosse? Important Cradling Drills

    In lacrosse, cradling is a technique that we use to protect the ball from falling out of our net. There are seven major skills we need to learn to play lacrosse: scooping, throwing, catching, shooting, checking, dodging, and cradling. Cradling is my best lacrosse skill and I love to talk about it. If you want…

  • Why Does My Hockey Helmet Hurt? Fit Research

    Why Does My Hockey Helmet Hurt? Fit Research

    I have a wide head, which is why a regular-shaped hockey helmet hurts at my temples. Trust me, you don’t want to stick with a badly fitted helmet for too long—it causes headaches and you’re just trying to have a good time playing hockey. Maybe your head shape is different from mine, but the point…

  • Why Doesn’t The NHL Disclose Injuries? Here’s Why!

    Why Doesn’t The NHL Disclose Injuries? Here’s Why!

    In the National Hockey League, the specifics of injuries are generally kept pretty quiet. Hockey is a notoriously violent game, and one theory is that teams may want to keep injuries secret so as to keep their players from receiving targeted fouls on their most vulnerable areas. Additionally, an increased need for privacy around health…

  • Can a Lacrosse Goalie Score? Here is the Truth!

    Can a Lacrosse Goalie Score? Here is the Truth!

    I’ve been a member of a co-ed sports club for a long time, and it’s a lot of fun. Usually, I play the team sport Ultimate Frisbee, but also joined a lacrosse team just to see how I liked it. We’re all amateurs, so no one really knew the answer: can lacrosse goalies score? As…

  • When Does The Average NHL Player Retire? (Why They Retire!)

    When Does The Average NHL Player Retire? (Why They Retire!)

    Hockey is quite a physical sport. Even more so than other contact sports in many cases. Between all the collisions, injuries, fighting, and daily wear and tear on the body, you might be wondering how long an NHL player’s career can usually last.  You might be surprised to find out that the average length of…

  • Difference Between Hockey Leagues: NHL – AHL – ECHL

    Difference Between Hockey Leagues: NHL – AHL – ECHL

    Hockey is an amazing sport that has been played since the early 1900s. It started as a popular Canadian sport but has since gained popularity across the entire world. With so many different teams, hockey has to be split up into different leagues based on skill. It can be hard to keep up with all…

  • Why Do Lacrosse Players Throw Their Sticks? Here’s Why!

    Why Do Lacrosse Players Throw Their Sticks? Here’s Why!

    Lacrosse is a popular active team sport played on grass using a lacrosse stick and ball as well as protective gear. At first, it may seem complicated or even daunting. But do not worry because, in this article, I will cover one of the most interesting and common questions of why do lacrosse players throw their…

  • Why Do Girl Lacrosse Players Wear Skirts?

    Why Do Girl Lacrosse Players Wear Skirts?

    Although lacrosse is not as well known as other sports, it can be a fun sport to watch. When it comes to watching female games though, they may ask, why do girl lacrosse players wear skirts? The simplest answer to this question is tradition. Since the beginning of the sport, women have worn skirts or…

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